Success in network marketing is all about the system of training and development. A lot of the times, people fail in this industry because there seems to be a lack of training or rather a lack of attendance to training. Therefore, there is the need to ensure that we improve continually on our training systems and continual encouragement for consultants to participate in our training systems.
To ensure this in our organization, DMA-LDRC now introduces the FSS and FTS system for our organization FM Consultants. Let's take a look at what these mean:
Fast Start System (FSS)
When an individual decides to join our organization and so registers, he/she will be introduce to the FSS, which is detailed in the one on one "getting started" interview, immediately after the presentation he participated in. In this interview he will be briefed and given guidance on the following:
- 300 points in 1st month (which is taught in this organization)
- 5 new registrations in 1st month
- Developing your Prospecting Worksheet
- House Meeting
- Presentations
This is what fast starting is about. In other words, he/she will not left wondering about what to do next. At the same time, it is preparation for enrollment into the FTS, which is described below.
Fundamentals Training Seminar (FTS)
The FTS is the detailed and formal follow up to the FSS. This is a whole day seminar that introduces "THE FUNDAMENTALS" of the business for the new business consultant designed to focus on a number of the fundamental areas of the business:
- Marketing plan business overview
- Selling techniques and promotional selling
- Redirecting your buying power: Your personal 300 points
- Network Marketing Fundamentals
- Building your network
- Meetings and Presentations
- On the Road to Diamond
- National FM Trainings and FTS
- Business Operations and Procedures
- Organization Communication Protocols
- And many more!!!
It is therefore important to ensure that every new consultant has the opportunity to start fast and be enrolled in the FTS program, jump-starting and immediately activating success in his new business endeavor with FM. These topics and many more will be presented by the Caribbean's leading trainers and presenters. This is also a great opportunity to come close and intimate with the leading FM Champions in the Caribbean.
To say the least, ensure that you are enrolled in the upcoming FTS.
Big Business, Big Success
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